Today I'd like to expand on DACA and why it's a mistake to end it. What is DACA? It's stands for Deferred Action for Children Arrivals. It was created and implemented by an executive order after the Obama Administration failed to pass the DREAM Act. DACA defers deportation for undocumented minors for two years. Applicants must have entered the country before 2007 and had to be 16 yrs of age and younger when they entered the U.S. Recently, Trump ordered an end to the program. I believe this to be a huge mistake. First of all, these individuals were brought to the U.S. illegally when they were minors. They had no say so in the matter and now being punished for something that was no fault of their own. These individuals are Americans regardless of their documentation status. They were raised in the United States, learned the language and assimilated to the American way of life. What more could we ask for? Is this not what we want? We must give them amnesty. They're not ...
Showing posts from December, 2017